Ophthalmic Argon laser
Single port.
The following are the System Specifications for the LightLas 532 Ophthalmic Laser.
General Specification
Electrical Input: 100 to 230 Vac. 50/60 Hz Single phase
Power: 400W
Fuse rating: T3.15AH250V @ 100-230Vac (T ime Lag) Temperature Range: Transport: -10 to 70° C
Operating: 15 to 30° C Storage: -10 to 55° C
Relative Humidity Range: Operating: 30% - 85% non-condensing
Storage and Transport: Up to 95% non-
Atmospheric pressure: Operating: 800-1060 mbar
Storage and Transport: 500-1060 mbar
Cooling System: Fan cooled and TEC's for Laser Diode and Crystal
Dimensions (Total): 130mm(H) x 370mm(W) x 330mm(D)
Weight: 13 Kg (System) 20 Kg (Packed)
Treatment Laser
Laser Type: Diode Pumped Frequency Doubled YAG
Wavelength: 532 nm
Mode of Operation: CW
Power Output: 2 W Maximum to Patients Cornea. Power from
Units laser aperture displayed on Remote Display
Power Adjustment: Variable from 0.05 to 2.0 W
Exposure Duration: 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.15 and
0.2 to 3.0s is 0.1s increment
Repeat Interval: Selectable from 0.01 to 3.0 secs and equal to or greater
Than exposure duration in same discrete steps as duration
Doctor Safety Filter: OD4 at 532 nm
Safety Class: Class 4
Power Display accuracy: Better than +/-20% of actual
Beam Divergence: < 0.2 NA