Islamic Muslim Prayer Electronic Tasbeeh Digital Tasbih Finger Ring Tally Counter for Fidget Stress Anxiety ToyFinger Tally Counter - Lap Track/Ring Run Speed Skating/digital counter, Belt adjustable NEW
- 5 digit LCD display
- Counts from 0 to 99999
- Reset function
- Auto dormancy
- Low-power consumption
- Battery: 1.5V (LR1130)
- Weight: 12g (including battery)
The world's smallest commercially available electronic tally counting device
- adjustable finger strap - discrete - hardly visible.
Tally counter suitable for business, pleasure and many sports.
Counts up to 9, 999 laps, runs, goals, strokes, overs, hits, people, goods delivered etc etc.
For use in cricket, triathlon, baseball, basketball, walking, cycling, parachuting, rifle shooting, bird & bat watching, also training for almost any sport - football, hockey, stoolball, golf, skater etc.
In business as a crowd counter, storekeeper, stock control, libraries etc etc, whether you are a referee, umpire, scorer, coach or other official or simply trying to count your own performance, Can also be used for counting trees, plants, fishing, even karaoke and other singing contests - the list seems endless juding from the number of people buying them!
You can put your company logo on it to work for your business, make it personalized, standing out from the competition and make a good impression, this small gift will help attracting your customers or build your relationship with them, translate into repeat business, referrals, ,
Customized with Your Brand Logo, please contact us