China Factory Supply Pharmaceutical Intermediate Veterinary Powder Bulk Ivermectin CAS 70288-86-7 with Best Price, Find details about China Ivermectin, Raw Steroids Powder from Factory Supply Pharmaceutical Intermediate Veterinary Powder Bulk Ivermectin CAS 70288-86-7 with Best Price
Product Name | Ivermectin |
Appearance | White Powder |
CAS | 70288-86-7 |
Grade Standard | Medicine grade |
Purity: | 99% |
Steroids Powder Name | CAS No. |
Test Bas Powder | 58-22-*0 |
TestEnan | 315-37*-7 |
TestCyp | 58-20-*8 |
Test Aceta | 1045-69-*8 |
TestProp | 57-85-*2 |
TestDecan | 5721-91-*5 |
Test Phenylpropio | 1255-49-*8 |
TestBlend / Susta 250 | S25'0 |
Test Undeca / Andri'ol | 5949-44-*0 |
Test Isoca | 15262-86-*9 |
Bolde'non und'eca'noate | 13103-34-*9 |
Bolde'non Ace'tate | 2363-59-*9 |
Bolde'non | 846-48-*0 |
Bold'enon Cypion'ate | 106505-90-*2 |
Nan'drolon De'canoate / De'ca-Dur'abolin | 360-70-*3 |
Nan'drolon Phenyl'propio'nate / Dura'bolin / N'P'P | 62-90-*8 |
Nan'dro'lon | 434-22-*0 |
Nan'dr'olon Cyp'ionate | 601-63-*8 |
Nan'dro'lon Unde'cylate | 862-89-*5 |
Mes'terolo'ne / Pr'oviro'n | 1424-00-*6 |
17a-M-1-t | 65-04-*3 |
4-chlorinedehydro-methyl te'sto'st/Turinab | 2446-23-*3 |
Meth'yl drostano'loe / Su'perdro /Meth'aster'on | 3381-88-*2 |
Fluo'xymest'eone / Halo'testi | 76-43-*7 |
4-Chlorote'tos'te*o Acetate/Clo'stebol acetat*e | 855-19-*6 |
Methyltes'tostero | 58-18-*4 |
Me'stanol'o | 521-11-*9 |
Andr'ostano'/St'anol'o/DH*T | 521-18-*6 |
1-Tes'toste'rone cy'pio'na't | 58-20-*8 |
Di'hydrob'ol'deno''ne/1-Te'stos'ter'o | 65-06-*5. |
Ox'andr'olon/ Ana'va | 53-39-*4 |
Metan'dienon / Meth'androst'enolone / D'iana'bol | 72-63-*9 |
Ox'ymetholo'n / Ana'dro | 434-07-*1 |
Stan'oz''olol / wins'tr'ol | 104*18-03-8 |
Trenbo'lon Ace'tate | 1016*1-34-9 |
Tre'nbolon En'antha*te | |
Trenb'olon Hexah'ydrobenzyl car'bonate / Para'bolan | 234*54-33-3 |
Trenb'olon Base | 101*61-33-8 |
Drost'anolone Propiona*te / Mast Propion*ate | 521-1*2-0 |
Drost'anolone Ena'nthate / Mast E*nan*thate | |
Meth'enolone Ace'tate / Primob*ola A*cet*ate | 43*4-05-9 |
Me'theno'lone En*anth*ate / Primobol*n Ena*nth*ate | 30*3-42-4 |
Tamo'xifen Citrat''e / Nolvade'x | 105*40-29-1 |
Clomiph'ene Citrate / Clomi'd | 50-4*1-9 |
Letro''zole / Letrazo'le / Fem'ara | 1128**09-51-5 |
Anas'trozo'le / Arim'id'ex | 1205*11-73-1 |
Exemest'an /Arom'asin / Exe'mesta'ne | 1078*68-30-4 |
T'3 /Cytomel /Liothyroni'ne sod'ium | 55-0*6-1 |
T'4 /L-Thyr'oxine | |
Sild'ena'fil / Viag'ra | 1397*55-83-2 |
Tadala'fil Citrate / Cial'is | 1715*96-29-5 |
Varden'afil / Far'denafil / Levit'ra | 22478*5-91-5 |
Dutaste'ride / Avod'art | 16465*6-23-9 |
Fin'asteride / Pro''scar | 98319-2**6-7 |
Progest'erone | 57-8*3-0 |
Estr'adiol | 50-2*8-2 |
Dehy'droisoandroste''rone/ D/H*E*A | 53-4*3-0 |
7-Ke'to-D'HE'A(7-Keto-dehydroepi'androster'one) | 566-1*9-8 * |
2, 4-D*in*itrophen*ol / D*N*P | 51-2*8-5 |
L-carn'itine | 541-1*5-1 |
Benzoca'ine hydrochloride | 232*39-8*8-5 |
Lidoca'ine hydrochloride | 73-7*8-9 |
Tetraca'ine hydrochloride | 13*6-4*7-0 |
Peptides Name | Spec |
G*H/R*-6 | 5mg |
G*H*R*-2 | 5mg |
Ipamor*lin | 2mg 5mg |
M*lanotan I | 10mg |
M*-II | 10mg |
CJ*-1295 (DAC) | 2mg |
CJ*-1295 (without DAC) | 2mg |
MG* (IG*-1 EC) | 2mg |
P*-141 | 10mg |
S*rmorelin | 2mg |
P*G-MGF | 2mg |
DS*IP | 2mg 5mg |
sel*ank | 2mg |
Oxyt*ocin | 2mg |
Gonado*relin | 2mg |
Tripto*relin | 100ug |
G*H*RH | 2mg |
Tesa*morelin | 2mg |
Fra*g(17*6-19*1) | 2mg 5mg |
Hexareli*n | 2mg 5mg 10mg |
Thymos*in Beta 4 (TB4) Model: T**B-500 | 2mg 5mg 10mg |
G*H blue/red/green/yellow to*ps | 10iu |
Hyge*tropin/Jin*tropin/Kig*tropin/Rip*tropin | 10iu |
h*c*g*g | 5000iu & 2000iu |
Sar*ms |