Multivitamin B injection, western medicine name. For the adjuvant treatment of malnutrition and diseases caused by lack of vitamin B, such as anorexia, beriberi, pellagra, etc.
This product is a compound preparation, and its components are vitamin B, riboflavin sodium phosphate, vitamin 6, nicotinamide, and calcium d-pantothenate.
This product is a yellow or almost clear liquid with green fluorescence.
This product is suitable for the auxiliary treatment of malnutrition and diseases caused by lack of vitamin B, such as anorexia, beriberi, pellagra, etc.
Intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. The usual amount is 2ml once, or follow the doctor's advice.
Adverse reactions
Occasionally, reactions such as headache, dizziness, vertigo, abdominal pain, nausea, and rash may occur.
still uncertain.
1. Use with caution in patients with liver and kidney dysfunction.
2. It is forbidden to use the drug when its properties change.
3. Medication for pregnant women and lactating women: pregnant women should use it with caution; large quantities of pregnant women may cause teratogenicity.
4. Children's medication: The experiment has not been carried out and there is no reliable reference.
5. Elderly medication: The experiment has not been carried out and there is no reliable reference.
6. Drug overdose: The above-mentioned adverse reactions can occur due to overdose.
medicine interactions
Vitamin B1 is easy to decompose in alkaline solution, and when compatible with alkaline drugs such as sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate, it is easy to cause deterioration.
Shade and store in airtight (10-30ºC).
Valid period
24 months