About Aongking Sculpture

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Before actually making the Dog and Rabbit Bronze Sculptures. Buyers will first take a series of photos of the models. The characters were then combined with images from wildlife books. When you're ready, start sculpting in clay. Look at these strange Dog and Rabbit Bronze Sculptures that are half-animal, half-human. A strange Dog and Rabbit Bronze Sculptures feeling arise spontaneously. It's reminiscent of George Orwell's Animal Farm. Animals can expand human biological characteristics and behavior patterns through metaphorical display, and can humorously reflect a person's basic personality.More Bronze Sculptures

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Aongking Technology Hebei Co., Ltd. is a professional sculpture company with our own designers and factory, which has full experienced artisans in carving and sculpting metal sculptures. There is a 30 year's leading fine art sculpture exporter and manufacturer based in "The Sculpture Hometown of China" - Hebei Province. We keep focusing on Art Sculptures and Indoor & Exterior Decorative Sculptures, which mainly include 4 categories: Bronze Sculpture, Stone Items, Stainless Steel Sculpture, Resin & Fiberglass Sculptures. Look forward to cooperating with you.