DPL hair removal device
Procedure practices:
1,Hair removal:1. Trim the hair (1-2 mm) 2, 3 clean, apply a thin layer of cold gel four red hair with hair removal tips (tip lightly against the skin to fight, a site next to a part to play, stubborn hair can be slightly tilted angle of the face direction of hair growth tips to play) 5, playing 3-5 times (see the hair slightly curled hair or smell a burning smell it) 6, apply a thick layer of cold gel 10 minutes about clean can (smear repair growth factor)
2,Vascular therapy:1, clean the skin two operating parts evenly cold gel 3 (tip close to the skin epidermis play, next to a part of the site at the spot to play) 4, back and forth three times more unequal fight, until you see the color deepened mentioned epidermis good 5, smear a thick cold gel for about 10 minutes to clean (smear repair growth factor)
3,skin rejuvenation:1,Cleaning operation site 2,Were associated with cold gel smear 3(Tips to play close to the skin epidermis, a site next to a part to play) from chin to forehead, cheeks go down to fight, fight back and forth 3-5 times 4,Apply a thick layer of cold gel for about 10 minutes to clean (Apply fixes growth factor)
4,Acne therapy:1,Cleaning operation site 2,Were associated with cold gel smear 3(Tip close to the skin epidermis play a part to play next to a site) from chin to forehead, cheeks go down to fight, fight back and forth 3-5 times 4,Acne appears reddish better 5,Apply a thick layer of cold gel for about 10 minutes to clean (smear repair growth factor)
5,Vascular therapy:1,Cleaning operation site 2,Were associated with cold gel smear 3(Tip close to the skin epidermis play a part to play next to a site) from chin to forehead, cheeks go down to fight, fight back and forth 3-5 times 4,Redness site becomes dark red or red-purple better 5,Apply a thick layer of cold gel for about 10 minutes to clean (smear repair growth factor)