1. Plasma tube with Lithium Heparin used in anti-coagulation not only for routine clinical biochemistry tests and emergency biochemistry tests but also for some test items in blood theology.
Reference centrifugation speed: 3000-5000rpm for 5-8mins
Additive status: Spray
2. EDTA tubes can be use on whole blood hematology determinations, blood type verification and equipment.
1.8mg EDTA-K2per 1ml volume
Additive status: Spray
3. Serum tube can be used in collecting blood sample in clinical biochemistry and immunology.
Reference centrifugatin speed: 3000-3500 rpm
Reference clotting time: No additive 40-60 mins, Activator 10mins
Additive status: Spray
4. GEL can be used in separating serum and plasma, pre-filled for quick serum measurement and immunology test.
Reference centrifugation speed: 3000-3500rpm for 5-8mins
Additive status: GEL
5. Sodium citrate 1: 4 used with 3.2%(0.109mol/L)sodium citrate for anti coagulation and ratio of anticoagulant and blood is 1: 4
Additive status: Liquid
6. Sodium citrate 1: 9 used with 3.2%(0.129mol/L)sodium citrate as anti coagulation used for coagulation test and ratio of anticoagulant and blood is 1: 9
Additive status: Liquid
7. Glucose tube with additive of potassium oxalate/sodium fluoride EDTA is used for test of blood coagulation mechanism.
Reference cenrtifugation speed: 3000-5000 rpm for 5-8 mins
Additive status: Spray