Covering Scratch Test Machine
Product details: Model ZLT-GC1.
To determine the adherence and the durability of protective coverings on printed circuit board and of insulating layers on accessible hazardous parts or metal parts, according to IEC60950 figure 2K and clause, IEC60335-1 clause 21.2.
Scratches are made across five pairs of conducting parts and the intervening separations at points where the separations will be subject to the maximum potential gradient during the tests.
Standard Outfit:
1 steel stylus as scratch tool, hardened, lower end tapered with a bevel angle of 40° And a radius of 0, 25± 0, 02mm at its tip,
1 linear sliding carriage, with free-moving guideway for the steel stylus in a vertical plane with an angle of 80° ~85° Between the longitudinal axis of the steel stylus and the horizontal,
1 weight piece to weight the steel stylus so that the force in the direction of the steel stylus axis is 10N± 0, 5N,
1 drive for moving the sliding carriage by its full travel of approx 140mm at speed of 20± 5mm/s, the scratches shall be at least 5 mm apart and at least 5 mm from the edge of the specimen.
1 specimen support for specimens with max, dimensions: Length approx. 200mm, width approx. 200mm, height approx. 6mm,
1 operation manner: Touch screen controller
Special outfit: Pressure test device, for after scratch test, the hardened steel pin is then applied perpendicularly with a force of 30N± 0, 5N to an unscratched part of the surface. The insulation shall then withstand the electric strength test of IEC60335-1 clause 16.3 with the pin still applied and used as one of the electrodes.
Power supply: 220V50Hz other voltages request.