Thoriated tungsten electrode (WT20)
Thoriated tungsten contains thorium oxide (THO 2 or thoria), and it is the most
commonly used tungsten in America. It has become the standard for comparison. However,
because it is a low-level radioactive hazard, many users have switched to other alternatives.
2% Thoriated tungsten is a good general use tungsten. It has one of the lowest work
functions, and it performs well when overloaded with extra amperage. However, it does not
hold its point as well as some other non-radioactive tungstens that have been introduced.
Our main products including:
1) Thoriated tungsten electrodes (WT7, WT10, WT20, WT30. WT40)
2) Ceriated tungsten electrodes (WC10, WC20)
3) Pure tungsten electrodes (WP)
4) Lanthanated tungsten electrodes (WL10, WL15, WL20)
5) Zirconiated tungsten electrodes (WZ3, WZ8)
6) Yttriated tungsten electrodes (WY20)