33kv/72.5kv/110kv/132kv Outdoor Dead Tank Sf6 Insulating Circuit Breaker

China 33kv/72.5kv/110kv/132kv Outdoor Dead Tank Sf6 Insulating Circuit Breaker, Find details about China Circuit Breaker, Sf6 Gas from 33kv/72.5kv/110kv/132kv Outdoor Dead Tank Sf6 Insulating Circuit Breaker

Model NO.
Model NO.
1.Brief Introduction
KV Outdoor H.V. A.C. Dead Tank SF6 gas circuit breaker is a new kind of circuit breaker with self-blast interrupter and spring operating mechanism,he latest achieve-arc extinguishing principle of gas-blast pressure and breaking-current self-adapting are employed, by which most of energy required for breaking rated short-circuit current are acquired from arc itself. Therefore, the demand for operating energy is reduced significantly. The interrupter is placed inside a metal enclosure. The circuit breaker can be mechani-cally three-phase gange-operated. Both remote electrical control and local manual control can be realized. Type CT20-II spring operating mechanism, provided with the product, is a kind of mechanism with low operating power, minimum maintenance work needed and high reliability.
2.Environmental Condition
2.1.Altitude above sea level 4500m
2.2.Relative humanity monthly 90%
2.3.Max .wind velocity 35m/s
2.4.Pollution class IV class
2.5.Ambient temperature -35 ~40 (Product of 72.5kV may be operated at -40 )
2.6.Max .temperature difference daily: 25K
2.7.Earthquake withstand density 9 degree
2.8.Icing thickness: 10mm
2.9.Max. radiance from sun: 1000 W/m2
Note: when product is used under the condition out of above range, user and manufacturer shall consult to confirm.
1. Thanks to excellent electrical field design and its perfect coordination with motion characteristic, breaking capacitive current may be up to 630A and guaranteed breaking current of 1200A(70000Kva) without re-strike.
2. Gas-flowing characteristics is so appropriate that its breaking inductive current has no overvoltage at chopped current.
3. Arc-extinguishing principle of gas-blast pressure and breaking current self-adapting.When breaking rated short-circuit current and any other fault current, there are  reliable  breaking performance and abundant arcing time differential through employing arc-extinguishing principle of gas-blast pressure and breaking current self-adapting.
4. Excellent Insulation Performance.There is wide range of internal insulation margin. For 40.5kV product, which is used at decreased voltage,the insulation level is corresponding to that of 72.5kV.
5. Long-time flow of short-time withstand current.The product may be flowed current of 40kV/31.5kV for 4 seconds.
6. Breaking current of differential phase earthing may be up to 34.8kA/25.2kA.
7. High performance of Earthquake withstand.Due to the optimizing and coordinative design on structure frame, the product has a high performance of seismic-withstand with earthquake density of 9 degree.
8. The product is entirely provided with latest advanced type CT20 spring mechanism. So it has low noise level, high mechanical reliability and mechanical three-phase gang-operation, and smaller space occupied, compared to that of normal single-phase circuit breaker when three-gang operating, specially suitable for city networks and country networks retrofit projects.
9. After all routines test at factory, each circuit breaker is packed completely, with 0.05MPa SF6 gas filled. Maintenance works needed at site are minimized, which only need checking SF6 gas gauge and applying lubricant.
10. The frame is such designed that the products are specially suitable for retrofit projects of replacement of bulk-oil circuit breaker, such as type DW8-35 DW13-35 and DW2-35,etc bulk oil circuit breakers, which do not need to reconstruct foundation. Intermediate frame for type LW24-40.5 SF6 gas dead-tank circuit breaker is specially designed so that the product can be installed directly on original foundation of bulk-oil circuit breaker. Thus the work for retrofit engineering is reduced greatly and project period becomes short.

1Name Manufacturer  Specify      XD/HEMG
2Country Factory  Specify       CHINA
4E-mail contact representative: Specifytailichen
5Model   SpecifyLw24
6Warranty period months2424
7Standards   IEC-62271-100IEC62271-100
     dead tankDEAD TANK
9Number of poles  33
10Installation Site  OutdoorOUTDOOR
elevenInstallation height m2800m2800
12nominal frequency of the systemHz6060
13Nominal system voltagekv6969
14Maximum operating voltage kv72.572.5
15Test Voltage 60 Hz., Applied for 1 minutekv185 or more185
Test voltage wave impulse with 1.2 / 50 µs. (BIL or LIWL)   
kv450 or higher450
17Downtime cycles33
18Symmetrical interrupting capabilityKA2525
19Steady streamTO12001250
20Means of extinction  SF6SF6
21Voltage control and drive operationvdc125125VDC
22Operating voltage charging motor spring  vdc125125VDC
2. 3Closing coil  11
24Trip coil  22
25Voltage heaters Vac240/220/208220V
26Power resistance heaters  WSpecify2X100W
27Type operating mechanism Motor-SpringMOTRO-SPRINGO
    O - 0.3 s - CO - 3 min. - COO-0.3S-CO-3MIN-CO
Sequence of Operation   
29External manual release mechanism YesYES
30Full weight breaker structurelesskgSpecify1550
31Weight structure kgSpecify150
32Pressure limit for operationPSISpecify0.4MPA
33Gas volume per pole m3Specify5KG
3. 4Maximum loss of gas per yearm3Specify<=1%
terminal connectors   Al cable range 4/0 to 477 MCM. 
36Maximum delivery days180180DAY
37The offeror must include catalogs  YESYES
38Closing coil replacement unity3YES
39Opening coil replacement unity3YES
40Motor replacement spring load unity3YES
 Equipment, accessories minimal SF6 gas filling 
41Coupling for gas tank
Coupler circuit breaker
Input and output manometers
Stopcock, input and output
Hoses and other necessary for filling SF6
Gas bottle for filling
Solicited specification
Fromthe International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), particularly IEC 62271-100 and ANSI
ANSI (American National Standards Institute)C 3704 - 1979 Rating structure; C 3706 - 1979 Preferred
ratings; C 3709 - 1979 Test procedure; C 37010 - 1979 Aplication guide; C 37011 - 1979 Application guide for recorry transient voltage; C 37012 - 1979 Capacitance current switching.
Circuit breakers:
 Suitable for automatic reclosing tripolar Of high speedyes
CapacitySF6 gas replenishment during operation, enough gas for initial filling and additional reserve of 10%.yes
suitable devicesPressure measurement with alarm contacts and lock cases of pressure loss, in addition to the safety valve.yes
Right to workweatheryes
Insulators / bushings (bushings) should beporcelain or polymerporcelain
For local electrical operationor remotely. Selection should be through a local device provided with a removable key.yes
They must be drivenengine, opening and closing by spring. The mechanism should be contained in a cabinet weatherproof, dust and corrosion, IP55 according to IEC-60529yes
Must beFree shot, according to IEC-62271-100, with anti-pumping device.yes
Hecommand must be the tripolar type. The breaker poles shall be suitably interconnected to ensure a simultaneous and tripolar positively secure operation.yes
 must be provideda locking device that locks the circuit breaker closing when no sufficient accumulated or if the density of SF6 is under the permissible level energy, the circuit breaker must bloquearse-yes
Once an opening or closing operation, it must always be completed without interruption and independent of external media.yes
The engines load springs must be fed continuously and / or alternating current.yes
It must exista visual indicator of the position of the breaker contacts, which will be installed externally. the word "OPEN" on a background of green and use the word "CLOSED"ona background of red.yes
Cabinet Command and Control
Beweatherproof, dust and corrosion and must be protected against accidental contact and be tight dropwise with degree of protection IP55 according to IEC- 60529yes
For the tripolar electric driveLocal must be provided at least buttons for "opening" and "closing" and the selector "local-remote", located so that allow the operator to maneuver from the ground level. The LOCAL-REMOTE selectors must have two additional type auxiliary contacts "a" and "b" available for remote signalingyes
It must be provideda counter of the number of operations of the circuit breaker. Removable plates must be provided in the bottom of the cabinets for inlet ducts, with enough space for the connection of external wiringyes
Everybodycomponents cabinets must be connected to terminal blocks designed for conductor cross-section up to 10 mm2. They are left, at least 10 free terminals for customer use.YES
Internal wiringcabinets will be made with a minimum wire section 3.31 mm2(12 AWG) insulated 600 V, and feature fire resistance, moisture and mildew.YES
Cabinets shall be providedan anti-condensate resistance with thermostat, hygrometer and circuit breaker, a lamp for indoor lighting circuit breaker and an electrical outlet. All these devices are suitable to operate at 120 VAC.yes
terminals circuit breakers must be copper-coated silver (alternatively be tinned), with perforations according to NEMA standards.yes
Foreach terminal a suitable connector tube driver or characteristics that determine the ED's be supplied promptlyyes
Circuit breakerswill be supplied with terminal connectors grounding suitable for copper conductor wiring 2 AWG to 4/0 AWG, located at opposite ends diagonallyyes
supportsgalvanized steel mounting concrete foundations, if required, with boltsyes
platesidentification weatherproof and corrosion, in Castilian language, containing at least the information specified in IEC-62271-100yes
Blockauxiliary contacts 10-pole with contact convertibles normally open to normally closed. The ability of the contacts 10 will be minimal 48/125 A to V DC / AC C. Local media opening and closing the circuit breaker without control voltageyes
Protectionmotor overload operation, where the case.yes
Mediato lock by lock operation.yes
Device gas filling and bottle SF6yes
Dispositivesgas control:
-          Pressure gauge with contactsalarm and lock
-          Valveoverpressure
In casebeing standardized design manufacturer, it is desirable to have means to enable connection of a recorder run of contacts.yes
Prototype testing
a)        Seismic tests:
Seismic tests for Circuit Breakers Dead Tank SF6 gas insulated required.
The test consistsin applying vibrations forced through a horizontal movement exerted parallel to the main horizontal axes of the equipment. an acceleration of 0.33 g soil spectrum frequency response between 1 and 10 Hz, with a maximum duration of the earthquake will take 3 minutes.
b)        Mechanical tests (IEC 62271-100, clause
c)        Tests temperature rise (IEC 62271-100, Clause 6.5).
d)        Dielectric tests (IEC-62271-100, clause6.2).
e)        Tests short circuit switch terminals (IEC 62271-100, clauses 6102-6106).
f)         Tests short line failure (IEC 62271-100, clause 6.109).
g)        Tests discordance switching phases (IEC 62271-100, clause 6110, IEC-267).
h)        Tests supportable short current (IEC 62271-100, Clause 6.6).
i)         Tests Interrupt line current load (IEC 62271-100, Clause
j)         Tests interruption of small inductive currents (IEC 62271-100, Clause 4108).
informationto be included in the offer
certified copiesof Prototype test reports (of listings) made similar to those offered Circuit Breakersyes
schemesshowing the main dimensions of the circuit breaker and the general location of its componentsyes
descriptive bulletinsand catalogs breakers, operation mechanisms, control cabinets and other important elementsyes
Sectional viewsshowing the design details of the equipment and its components.yes
detailsof any particular element provided with the circuit breakers.yes
CertificateAuthorized Distributor, issued by the manufactureryes
short instructionsinstallation, operation and maintenance of circuit breakers, operating mechanisms and their elements.yes