Plastic Pipe Connecting HDPE Electro Fusion Belt Flexible jointIt is a kind of connecting pipe fitting what is widely used on anti-corrosion, especially on Directly buried pre-insulated pipes field joint. It is made by Polyethylene sheets complex with the electro-fusion wire

1. District thermal heating system construction,
2. Pre-insulated pipes field joint welding and oil pipes joint welding;
3. Preinsulated bonded pipe system for directly buried hot water networks;
4. Three PE/PP layers with foam jacket insulation pipes connection;
5. Steel pipes anti-corrosion etc.

1. Waterproof; High adhesion, good airtightness, corrosion resistant capacity, long service life and convenient operation
2. Able to withstand axial forces initiated by axial movements of the pipe in the ground;
3. Able to withstand radial forces and bending moments;
4. Able to withstand effects of temperature and temperature variations.
5. Have the same thickness of the line pipe insulation layer.

What is Electro-fusion?
Electrofusion is a technique for joining plastic plumbing, where heat softens and melts the pipes, causing them to fuse together into a solid joint. The resulting joint is extremely strong and reliable, resisting leaks, corrosion, and other issues. Contractors can use this process on a variety of job sites, depending on experience, personal preference, and the needs of a given job. Personnel must receive adequate training in the process to perform it safely and correctly.
In electrofusion, pipes come loaded with heating elements that activate when current is passed through them. The heat causes the pipe to start melting, flowing up against another pipe end or a fitting. The operator can manage the electrofusion process with a control box, set for the correct diameter and thickness of piping to make sure the current is adequate. The process can be very fast, especially with skilled personnel at work.
With electrofusion, the pipes need to be clamped in place to make sure they are in the right position. The clamps are left until the joint cools and solidifies, making it possible to release the pipes without worrying about loss of integrity at the joint. It is important to avoid jostling or touching the pipes during cooling, as this can interfere with the formation of a smooth and secure joint by straining the plastic and creating weak points, or knocking the pipe ends out of alignment.
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