Sinonine Density Separator is a high capacity hindered settling classifier for separating particles based on size and/or density. Versatile in operation, the units can be sized to treat from 1 tph to 600 tph.
The Sinonine Density Separator has been continuously developed and perfected for many years. Initially, Sinonine Density Separator proved their utility for the more precise classification of glass and construction sands. More recently, units have been integrated into separation circuits where they complement and enhance the separation of a broad range of mineral species or contaminating particles.
In glass sand operations, Sinonine Density Separator are routinely used to answer the challenges of increasing size and quality specifications.Separators range from laboratory to industrial scale, and the applications from simple to complex. Incorporating Sinonine technology, customers are now able to meet the high demands of an ever-changing industry.
Applications of Sinonine Density Separator include:-Production of consistently graded sand products
-Removal of light contaminant material such as Coal, Lignite, Peat etc., from sands
-Concentration of heavy minerals
-Separation of minerals of sufficiently different specific gravities
-Preparation of sands for direct stockpiling
-Removal of silts
-Coal/Shale separation
-Preparation of sands for attrition scrubbing, acid treatment or froth flotation and for the rinsing of the sands following these processes.

Hindered Settling - When a controlled rising current of water is introduced across the area of the bottom of a classifying vessel, a sand can be expanded into a state of teeter. In this teetered state the sand grains will classify themselves so that the coarse grains report to the bottom of the column where they will stay relatively close to each other with high velocities of water flowing between them, whilst the finer particles will be dispersed to the higher levels of the column where they will stay in more open suspension.This teetered suspension is, to all intent and purposes, a dense media and may be used to float off another material, such as coal or lignite, that is light enough to be supported by the suspension irrespective of their particle size. Equally, a concentration of heavy minerals may be made, as hindered settling has the effect of enhancing the difference in specific gravities between minerals, to the extent that a heavy mineral can generate sufficient density to support quartz.