Non Negative Pressure Water Supply Improve Water Supply for Residents

China Non Negative Pressure Water Supply Improve Water Supply for Residents, Find details about China Non Negative Pressure Water Supply from Non Negative Pressure Water Supply Improve Water Supply for Residents

Model NO.
Start Up
Electric Pump
Positive-Displacement Pump
Submersible Pump, Clarified Water Pump, Sewage Pump, Slurry Pump, Oil Transfer Pump, Chemical Pump
Air Conditioning Pump
Air Pump
Automatic Pump
Axial Flow Pump
Transport Package
Wooden Case
Model NO.
Start Up
Electric Pump
Positive-Displacement Pump
Submersible Pump, Clarified Water Pump, Sewage Pump, Slurry Pump, Oil Transfer Pump, Chemical Pump
Air Conditioning Pump
Air Pump
Automatic Pump
Axial Flow Pump
Transport Package
Wooden Case
Non negative pressure water supply

The bidirectional  compensator starts to work, the high-pressure water pump outler to the higeh-pressure chamber end to water, when the liquid nitrogen increased gradually ,with pressure being squeezed back to the energy storage device,thus completing the process of the low peak to the tank water,whenthe peak of water drop or municipal pipe network pressure,the release of energy storage device extrusion high pressure chamber water,together with the constant pressure cavity to the user with municipal water replenishment,thus completing the process of peak water to users.
Non Negative Pressure Water Supply Improve Water Supply for Residents
Non Negative Pressure Water Supply Improve Water Supply for Residents
Non Negative Pressure Water Supply Improve Water Supply for Residents
Non Negative Pressure Water Supply Improve Water Supply for Residents
Non Negative Pressure Water Supply Improve Water Supply for Residents
Non Negative Pressure Water Supply Improve Water Supply for Residents
Non Negative Pressure Water Supply Improve Water Supply for Residents

3 energy storage
Ni trogen energy storage builtin preloading are not soluble inwater,  when the peak of water, energy re lease I  hi gh pressure I chamber water pressure to the extrusion cavity ne twork,  make
full useof the principle of the law of conservation of energy, to achieve the peak water users,  to ensure the water in the potto  the greatest degree I  of  compensation I  to the  user  in  the  network, suppression of negative pressure generated,  guarantee I wi thout affecting  the municipal  pipe network.
3 control points edit control techno logy
Non negative pressure water supply system is set to a cons tant  pressure value,  if the pipe pressure is hi gher  than  the set  pressure value,  the pressure  transmitter  pipel ine pressure  feedback to the frequency convers ion control cabinet, tap waterby direct supply pipeline directly to the user on the user water
supply pipe network.  When the water changes the pipe pressurebelow  the I  set pressure of the pressure of the municipal  pipe
  network or network users,  pressure transmitter pipel ine  pressure feedback to the controller PID frequency conversion  control cabinet,  adjust  the output frequency of inverter  through UPC watchdog  control ler,  and start the  water  pump  control pump speed to maintain a cons tant pressure water supply ;if the  tap water can  not fully meet  the  (water or all)  requi rements,  the central  contro l  center will be ad justed  to  control multiple frequency pump start stop  and pump speed  to  the maximum extent to meet users  requirement of water supply.
Negative pressure techni que
  The  non negative pressure water supply system adopts the  mi crocomputer frequency conversion techno logy  and  the effective negative pressure treatment technology to real izethe pressure superposed water supply.  Through the  vacuumcompensation system and  the I  fully enclosed struc ture,  the
  equi pment real izes the direct connection with the water pipe ne twork,  and overcomes the adverse influence on the pipe ne twork.  The device through the pipe pressure gauge, vacuum and water level signal, and the steady flow compensator in a vacuum suppressor compensator in the test device I  for collecting
  real-time feedback through the microcomputer control device, special vacuum suppressor and the steady f low compensator, suppression Of negative pressure generated,  ensure I  that the
  equipment does not affect the city network.
The system is directly connected with the municipal water supply network , and the water supplu will not cause negative pressure to the municipal water supply network. When the municipal pipe network pressure drops even without water , the pump  unit  can still work ,and out of the water until the time variation of the steady flow compensator in the negative (watchdog) or by a simple low level control mode when the water pressure  decreases to elctrically contact the set lower limit pressure after the automatic shutdown, automatic starting after the runoff . When the power failure occurs, the water pump unit stops working, and the tap water can enter the use's pipe network through a through pipe , When calling ,the unit will automatically turn on and resume normal water supply .
Automatic pressure compensation technique
According to the system resistance characteristic , when the flow rate is bigger, In order to meet the system in maximum water when there is enough head to overcome the resistance of the system general manufacturers in setting the system pressure only by the maximum flow tate of the pressure required to set up ,when the small flow fo water pressure caused by excessive waste of energy. According to the set pressure automatic regulating system with the change of water , running at low pressure value in the small flow of water ,along with the incresse of water consumption , the system according to the hydraulic characteristics , the use of the system pressure increases gradually .Thus , the electric energy is saved to the maximum extent.
4 scope of application edit
 1 , the user original pressurization system energy conservation ,consumption reduction transformation .
2, various types of reclaimed water , sewage and wastewater treatment plants;
3, all  types  of waterworks ,feed pressure pump station;
 Constant pressure oil system
4,oil pipelines, oil depots , oil pump station ,oil etc ;
5,non  negative pressure water supply equipment is also applicable to all kinds of industrial and mining enterprises production water ( such as circulating cooling water ,industrial boiler water, industrial boiler water supply system and so on ,need constant pressure production water );
6, hige-rese buildings, residential areas ,enterprises and institutions ,such as life ,fire water supply system ,HVAC, centeal air conditioning cycle and separation
5, advantages and disadvantages ,editng advantages
1., make full usd of the city pipe network pressure ,greatly save energy.
2 . avoid the two plllution of water .
3. save floor space.
4. save investment .
5. convenient maintenance
6. save operating costs
7. keep constant pressure
8. blackouts,continuous water.
  Non negative pressure water supply has certain shor tcomings,because no  non negative pressure water tank can store  water ,  but the amount is very small, when the municipal pipe network water,  users will soon wi thout water use,  so in the  choice of  non  negative  pressure  water  supply,  can also consider  non negative pressure water supply equi pment box,  stainless steel  water  tank  assembly increase based  on non negat1 ve pressurewater supply the unit is available  from a few to thousands  of the  reserves,  to  meet the di fferent needs of  cus tomers.

6 other water supply seven edit 1.  pollution: tap water mustfirst into the pool or  water tank,  poor  sealing performance,are always contaminated by debris,  dirt  and even ani ma I carcasses,  wi ll produce scale and bacteria, seriously affects I the health of users.
2. , high inves tment: the need to build pool or water tank, high construction costs.
3., large land: the need to build a pool or water tank,  equi pment
covers a I arge space, wil l occupy a large number of commercial land, reduce revenue.
  4. , high energy consumption: because the tap water must be put Iinto the  pool  or water tank,  and then pressur ized,  resulting  in municipal  pipe ne twork  pressure utilization is  zero, ser iously wasting energy.
5., waste  ser ious :  most of  the pool use of  civil struc ture, often occur seepage, running, l eakage and other phenomena, due Ito  serious pol lution,  but  al so  need to use a large number  of regular  water I  for cleaning,  waste  ser ious.
6. installation: to build complex water tank or pool, complex I installation, long cons truction period.
7., hi gh maintenance costs: regular cleaning, disinfection and other maintenance work, late cleaning and maintenance costs.