This profile provides economy, industrial-strength toughness and high foot-traffic tolerance during installation and maintenance. This profile is available in a variety of coatings and finishes to suit environmental and aesthetic needs.
Technical data:
Substrate: Hot DIP zinc treated steel. Zinc mass: 270gm/ms
25 micros (0.025mm) coating consisting of corrossion resistant premier with either regular polyster or PVDF paint. On the reverse side is 5-10 micro thickness of grey standard backing paint.
All the colors in the RAL code, but standard color is blue and grey white.
0.16mm 0.20mm 0.25mm 0.30mm up to 0.60mm
Key benefits:
--- corrosion resistance: Pre-coated steel offers excellent corrosion resistance achived through continuous hot DIP galvanization and corrosion resistant primer/polyester coating. Protection is achieved when zinc and steel are together in the presence of moisture; The zinc protects the steel by galvanic action.
--- lightning: Metal covered and metal frame buildings offer the safest possible shelter during the storms. Correctly earthed aluminium, because of its high electrical conductivity, offers excellent protection from lighting damage.
--- Economic: The load weight of the steel corrugated sheets on the substructure is very small. This ensures lighter supporting structurals. The purlin spacings can also be increased considerably ensuring reduction in the number of purlins.
--- Appearance: Prepainted steel profiled building sheet can look outstanding in its simplest plain mill finish. It provides a pleasing architectural beauty to all kinds of buildings with a touch of distinctive modernity.
Prepainted steel roofing sheets can be used extensively and economically as a roof/wall cladding material.