-Remove more venom
-Provides more suction-750 millibars
-No cutting, no scalpel necessary
-Safe for children
-Also helpful in treating the bites and stings, homets, mosquitoes
-Recommended medically as the only acceptable first aid device for snakebites
The Extractor was designed specifically to provide the most powerful suction available to safely remove venoms and poisons. Its suction of 750 millibars is so powerful there is no cutting necessary. This eliminates using and carrying the dangerous scalpel blades or knives recommended by less effective kits.
The Extractor removes the poisons which cause the pain. The suction is created by simply thrusting the plunger downward using the thumb and two fingers.
Do not wash the extractor or get it wet! This may destroy the vacuum-creating mechanism in the extractor. You should wash and sterilize the cups after each use but do not wash the extractor.
Thoroughly cleaning the cups with soap and water is usually adequate. Treating with alcohol is best. Do not boil the cups in water.

About Saferlife:
SAFERLIFE PRODUCTS CO. was set up in 2009, We mainly supply disposable meedical product. healthcare products, sports therapy and safety product. We have advanced manufacturing, development, Logistics and product management capabilitied.
We aim to make the best products by using our manufacturing and purchasing strengths to become the primary low cost producer and supplier of fire and safety products, Medical healthcare products and home care safety products.