IntroductionThe Smoke Chamber has proved to be one of the most versatile fire testing instruments since its inception in the 1980s. It is the most widely accepted apparatus for the measurement of smoke from burning materials and measures specific optical density under flaming and non-flaming conditions. It is also used for the extraction of toxic gas.
This equipment is satisfied with standards (ASTM E 662, BS6401, ISO 5659, NES 711, NEPA 258, etc).
Using ISO 5659 conical radiant heat furnace, We can change the heating condition from 10 kw/m2 to 50kw/m2 or 70kW/m2 by the user.
In the test of NES 711, there are a non-flaming test and flaming test in test conditions different from ASTM E 662.
This test method is increasingly used in interior material of rolling stock, low power incombustible cable and interior film, etc.
Standard• ASTM E 662: Standard Test Method for Specific Optical Density of Smoke Generated by Solid Materials
• BSI 6401: British Standard Method for Measurement, in the laboratory, of the specific optical density of smoke generated by materials
• ISO 5659-2: Plastics-Smoke generation -Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single-chamber test
• NES 711: Determination of the Smoke Index of Products of combustion from Small Specimens of Material
Features• Integrated body and 19" analysis rack (Saving space)
• 17" touch screen panel type PC for the whole control and automatic testing
• Air cylinder type movement to load a sample or automatically open the up/down vent(highly resistant to pollution from the test)
• Coating of the test chamber convenient in cleaning and resistant to chemicals
• Lock designed to close the chamber door at a time
• Indication of transmission rate and smoke density with improved accuracy
• Chamber preheat system to facilitate test with more accuracy
• Safety blow-out panel system to protect user when pressure is sharply increased during test
• Port, heated filter, and heated line to measure toxic gases
• Manometer gauge with increased accuracy by using the MFC(Mass Flow Controller) and DPT(Differential Pressure Transducer) enabling auto leakage test
• Portable water cooling system without need for waterworks and plumbing when using the Heat Fluxmeter (for ISO 5659)
• Load cell with increased accuracy to measure mass loss rate in ISO 5659 test
• SB 2005 DAQ(Data Acquisition) Program to control the use of touch screen panel PC
Test Result
• Laboratory Information
• User's CI
• Specimen Conditions
• Time from start of test, t(s)
• Transmission(%) and specific optical density, Ds
• Maximum Ds and time to maximum Ds
• Correction Ds
• Current range setting and filter position
• Current mass(g) for ISO 5659