Dry, light, breathable, sweat absorbing, non stick, light and elastic, low air resistance, good for sports, high quality material, leisure and fashion style
To play a good symphony by touch is to rely on clothes to make musical instruments. In the experiment of touching the arm, both the strength and speed of touching affected the feeling of the arm. If the stroking force is light and the speed is 1 to 10 cm per second, the reaction of class C nerve fibers will be stronger, and the arm will feel the most comfortable at this time. The stroking intensity will become more intense, and the feeling will become worse. Similarly, life experience also shows that when people and objects are in contact, the greater the roughness of objects and the force they rub against the skin, the worse the touch. It can be seen that the less constraints clothes have on people and the more moderate friction they have, the better they can become musical instruments. This needs to be done from the fabric and structure of the clothes.
People use ironing, carding, softening, adding antistatic agent and other methods to deal with the fabric. When the fabric becomes smoother (regular texture is acceptable), with a little elasticity, no itching and stickiness, it can be used safely.