Air Transport Service (DDP) From China to Europe, with Destinations Divided Into Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Denmark, Belgium and Austria, Find details about China Shipping, Logistics from Air Transport Service (DDP) From China to Europe, with Destinations Divided Into Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Denmark, Belgium and Austria
DDP Service to FBA Amazon ( included duties in USA) | ||||||
Ocean Price + Express deivery ( USD/kg) | ||||||
Destination | 100~300kg | 301~500kg | 501~1000kg | 1000kg+ | T T | Valid to |
Western of USA Post code start (7.8.9) | $1.45 | $1.30 | 1.3 | 1.2 | 25 days | 15th May |
Middle of USA Post code start (4.5.6) | $1.60 | $1.45 | $1.45 | $1.30 | 30days | 15th May |
East of USA Post code start ( | $1.75 | $1.60 | $1.60 | $1.45 | 35days | 15th May |