(1)Flexible Clear Plastic PVC Curtain Door
(2)Competitive price, Flexibility, clarity, durability, RoHS, SGS, etc,
(3)Styles: Smooth, Single Ribbed and Double Ribbed
(4)No poison
(5)No smell and pollution
(6)No crack under -25° C
(7)No arcing over under 10 KV min
(8)No Stick
(9)No bubble
(10)Easy to clean
(11)Application Temperature: -50° C to + 50° C
(12)Flexibility, clarity, durability
(13)Reduces Heat or Cold Air Loss.
(14)Restricts movement of Dust, Grunge, Smoke and Fumes.
(15)Admits Light, Saves time and work.
(16)Providing bird and fling insect control.
(17)Isolates noisy machinery.
(18)Increases employee comfort.
(19)Strong and durable.
(20)Minimum maintenance.
(21)Easy to install.
The advantages of Flexible Clear Plastic PVC Curtain Door:
(1)High intensity, high degree of transparency
(2)High weather resistance, better physical properties
(3)Non-toxic; No crack; No bubbles; No smell and pollution
(4)Health and good surface brightness
(5)Waterproofing; Sound-insulated
(6)Fire retardant and self-extinguishing
Information of Flexible Clear Plastic PVC Curtain Door
(1)Size: Thickness: 0.1mm to 7mm; Width: 1000mm to 1850mm; Length: 10m to 50m
(2)Colors: Clear
(3)Style: Smooth
They Are Ideal For:
(1)Pharmaceutical Industries; Hotels & Kitchen Area
(2)Packaging Industries; Manufacturing Plants
(3)Processing of Agricultural Products; Engineering Industry