Flap wheels are manufactured from strips of high quality aluminium oxide material or non-woven aterial closely packed and radially bonded to a shaft or etal center.These wheels are more durable and provide a longer and cooler cuttign action than is possible using conbentional discs.
Recommended for cleaning, deburring, blending, and polish gringding on stainless steel, aluminium, etc.
Conforable to most shapes, thy are available in coarse to fine grit.
Recommended application:Finishing, light deburring, cleaning or preparation for subsequent treatments(chroiun plating, nickel plating or painting) on small or hard-to-reach surfaces such as the internal surfaces of pipes, cylinders, parts of irregular shape.
Work surfaces: Stainless steel, standard steel, aluminium, titanium, nonferrous aterials and alloys, plastic materials, glass fiber rubber, marble, stone, concrete, wood, hide or leather.