LED 405nm 3W Specifications:
A. Emitting Colour: Ultra Violet
B. Reverse Voltage: 5.0 V
C. DC Forward Voltage: Typical: 3.8V Max: 4.7 V
D. DC Forward Current: 600mA
E. Luminous Intensity: 180-200mw
F. Wave Length: 405-410nm
G. Viewing Angle: 120 Degree
HLead Soldering Temp: 260oC for 5 seconds
I. Intensely Bright.
Part Number | Emitted Color | Voltage Vf(v) | Current(mA) | Wave Length(nm) | Output power(mW) | Angle 2θ 1/2 |
TY-405nm3W | Purple | 3.80-4.60 | 600 | 405-410nm | 180-200MW | 120 |
1. High Power UV LED 365nm 3W Introduction The TY-3535 Series LED from TaoYuan LEDs brings industry leadingtechnology to the UV lighting market with its high reliability andperformance. With a ceramic substrate and a 125/55 degree viewing angle primary optic, the TY-3535 is ideal for all UV curing andgeneral UV applications.
2. The forward voltage is measured with an accuracy of ±0.2VNote: 1. Radiometric power is measured with an accuracy of ±10%
3.Can provide a complete product Specifications.
UV LED Application:
UV curing refers to a special way in which coatings, inks and adhesives are cured or dried using "energy" from UV light sources, rather than conventional heat. In effect, the ultraviolet light spectrum in a UV lamp interacts with specially formulated chemistries to cure materials--typically more quickly, using less energy and thereby at lower cost than by other methods.
The advantages of UV have been well-documented, particularly when used with manufactured products that include inks, adhesives and coatings on substrates that are sensitive to heat. In addition, UV is considered environmentally friendly since most of the solvents in inks, paints, adhesives and coatings can be eliminated, thanks to the special capabilities of UV curing.
The UV LED technology is further revolutionizing the UV curing space. Since traditional UV light sources such as tubes and arc lamps contain Mercury, a notorious pollutant, the availability of mercury free UV LEDs is bringing further environmental soundness to the UV curing industry.
TaoYuan LEDs provides a wide range UV LEDs in the UVA range (360nm - 420nm). Please visit our Products page to learn more about our UV products.