ZNV series screw press is a washing and thickening
equipment widely used to press the stock mechanically
in the high consistency section, which is suitable for
waste paper pulping and dispersion system as well as
washing and thickening of pulp with high consistency,
and also suitable for washing and thickening sulfate
wood pulp and ammonium sulfite straw pulp.
Design Features:
The screw press consis t s of press screw, upper and
low screening baskets. Baskets are connected
through bolts. The press body consists of inlet hopper,
vat and end bracket.These parts are connected
through bolts and position pins.It is easier to disas
semble.The outlet of screw press has been installed
with counterpress device.The outlet consistency can
be reached by adapting the outlet size through air con
trol press.The driving device consists of motor, gear
box and frequency transformer in order to adapt the
capacity of screw press through changing the working
speed of screw.Withits anti-slip mechanism mounted
on the screening baskets, the screw press can work
more reliably.