China Intelligent Discoloration Driving Polarization Outdoor Gear Lab Sunglasses Wp556, Find details and Price about China Polarized Glasses, Solar Polarized Glasses from Intelligent Discoloration Driving Polarization Outdoor Gear Lab Sunglasses Wp556
The company is committed to the manufacturing and sales of outdoor products, products include polarized sunglasses, Bluetooth glasses, beach tent, camping tent, car roof tent, solar charging table, anti-mosquito camping lamp, bracelet, cold towels and so on.
Most of the products are sold to overseas markets, and some of the products have applied for patents in many countries, occupying advantages. The annual output value of overseas market can reach 8 million US dollars.
1)Material: PC
2)Style: full frame
3)Frame color:Blue sand/transparent color change sheet
4)Function: uv protection, color change
5)Specification: 150 * 60 * 15 * 125 mm
6)Weight: about 35G