TD75 Belt conveyor1.Introduction:TD75 General type fixed belt conveyor
(hereinafter referred to as TD75
)is a kind of conveying equipment with the advantages of large conveying capacity, low cost operation and wide range of application. This equipment applies to the bulk material or article materials. According to the process requirements, single or multiple conveyors are optional, or it can be combined with other conveying equipment to form level or inclination conveying system.
The working ambient temperature of the belt conveyor is -15ºC
~+40ºC, and the temperature of the material conveyed can be different for the different types of conveyors. In general, the common material temperature to be conveyed is not exceed
50ºC; heat resistant rubber belt can convey higher temperature materials but lower than 120ºC. While conveying the materials of acidity, alkalinity, oil, and with the properties of organic solvent,oil resistant and acid and alkali resistant rubber or plastic belts should be used.The conveying material volume of the TD75 should be under 2.5t/m3.Divided by belt width, this series conveyors has six models: 500mm, 650mm, 800mm, 1000mm, 1200mm and 1400mm.Divided by belt speed, it has eight models: 0.8m/s, 1.0m/s, 1.25m/s, 1.6m/s, 2.0m/s, 2.5m/s, 3.15m/s and 4.0m/s. Besides, also 0.3m/s speed manual belt conveyor is optional for professional use.The max. Conveying capacity of this series see sheet 1.The capacity in the sheet is calculated under the condition that the material volume weight is l t/m3, the conveying inclination is 0°~6° and the material stack angle is 0°~6°.
2.Capacity:Table 1: TD75 General type fixed belt conveyor conveying capacity
Supporting roller type | Belt speed (m/s) | Belt width B(mm) |
500 | 650 | 800 | 1000 | 1200 | 1400 |
Conveying capacity Q(t/h) |
Groove roller | 0.8 | 78 | 131 | - | - | - | - |
1.0 | 97 | 164 | 278 | 435 | 655 | 891 |
1.25 | 122 | 206 | 348 | 544 | 819 | 1115 |
1.6 | 156 | 264 | 445 | 696 | 1048 | 1427 |
2.0 | 191 | 323 | 546 | 853 | 1284 | 1748 |
2.5 | 232 | 391 | 661 | 1033 | 1556 | 2118 |
3.15 | - | - | 824 | 1233 | 1858 | 2528 |
4.0 | - | - | - | - | 2202 | 2996 |
Parallel roller | 0.8 | 41 | 67 | 118 | - | - | - |
1.0 | 52 | 88 | 147 | 230 | 345 | 469 |
1.25 | 66 | 110 | 184 | 288 | 432 | 588 |
1.6 | 84 | 142 | 236 | 368 | 553 | 753 |
2.0 | 103 | 174 | 289 | 451 | 677 | 922 |
2.5 | 125 | 211 | 350 | 546 | 821 | 1117 |
Detailed Parameter:Product Name | Model | Belt width (mm) | Maximum paricle size (mm) Screen/No-screen | Materials transmission and belt speed | Belt speed (m/s) | Convey capacity(t/h) | Pivot weight and selected price(t/dollar) | 1M increased |
Flat | Groove | 5m | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 75 | 100m | Weight (kg) | Price (Dollar) |
Belt conveyor | TD75 | B500 | 100/150 | Short distance,big angle,huge particle, Large dust emission,large abrasion (small)
Belt speed
(big) Long distance,small angle,small particle Low dust emission,low abrasion |
| 0.8 1.0 1.25 1.6 2.0 2.5 | 41 52 66 84 103 125 | 78 97 122 156 191 232 | 1.45/ | 1.72/ | 2.05/ | 2.32/ | 2.67/ | 2.94/ | 3.58/ | 4.24/ | 5.76/ | 7.32/ | 53 | |
Belt conveyor | TD75 | B650 | 130/200 | Short distance,big angle,huge particle, Large dust emission,large abrasion (small)
Belt speed
(big) Long distance,small angle,small particle Low dust emission,low abrasion |
| 0.8 1.0 1.25 1.6 2.0 2.5 | 67 88 110 142 174 211 | 131 164 206 264 323 391 | 1.78/ | 2.10/ | 2.48/ | 2.79/ | 3.19/ | 3.50/ | 4.24/ | 5.00/ | 6.75/ | 8.50/ | 62 | |
Belt conveyor | TD75 | B800 | 180/300 | Short distance,big angle,huge particle, Large dust emission,large abrasion (small)
Belt speed
(big) Long distance,small angle,small particle Low dust emission,low abrasion |
| 0.8 1.0 1.25 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.15 | 118 147 184 236 289 350 -- | -- 278 445 546 661 824 | 2..46/ | 2.83/ | 3.30/ | 3.67/ | 4.15/ | 4.52/ | 5.40/ | 6.32/ | 8.40/ | 10.50/ | 73 | |
Belt conveyor | TD75 | B1000 | 250/400 | Short distance,big angle,huge particle, Large dust emission,large abrasion (small)
Belt speed
(big) Long distance,small angle,small particle Low dust emission,low abrasion |
| 1.0 1.25 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.15 | 230 288 368 451 546 --- | 435 544 696 853 1033 1233 | 3.52/ | 4.10 | 4.82/ | 5.40 | 6.15/ | 6.72/ | 8.10/ | 9.25/ | 12.10/ | 15.00/ | 116 | |
Belt conveyor | TD75 | B1200 | 300/500 | Short distance,big angle,huge particle, Large dust emission,large abrasion (small)
Belt speed
(big) Long distance,small angle,small particle Low dust emission,low abrasion |
| 1.0 1.25 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.15 4.0 | 345 432 553 677 821 --- --- | 655 819 1048 1284 1556 1858 2202 | 4.25/ | 4.94/ | 5.80/ | 6.49/ | 7.40/ | 8.09/ | 9.74/ | 11.44/ | 15.30/ | 19.28/ | 137 | |
Belt conveyor | TD75 | B1400 | 350/600 | Short distance,big angle,huge particle, Large dust emission,large abrasion (small)
Belt speed
(big) Long distance,small angle,small particle Low dust emission,low abrasion |
| 1.0 1.25 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.15 4.0 | 469 588 753 922 1117 --- --- | 891 1115 1427 1748 2118 2528 2996 | 5.25/ | 6.07/ | 7.10/ | 7.93/ | 9.02/ | 9.85/ | 11.50/ | 13.54/ | 17.80/ | 22.58/ | 164 | |