Aqueous film forming foam extinguishing agent
1. Description:
Aqueous Film Forming Foam concentrates are synthetic Fire-fighting Foam Concentrates designed for use on no-polar, hydrocarbon hazards, when proportioned with water and applied with conventional foam or water/fog equipment, light water AFFF provide excellent control and extinguishing of Class B fires by spreading a vapor-sealing film over the liquid fuel. This vapor seals inhibits re-flesh even when the foam blanket is ruptured and also allows the products to be used to secure non-ignited spills
2. Applications
It is used for extinguishing in the oil tank farm area, and shall be new, production max 6 month prior to shipment. Light water AFFF can be used with conventional foam equipment with fresh, sea or brackish water, self-education foam nozzles with in-line educators are among most common types of
Hardware for application, in additional to its use in aspirating foam equipment, light water AFFF
Can be dispensed effectively through non-aspirating equipment including fog nozzle, water spray
Devices and some nozzle
3. Standard: GB1742-1998, and certification of approval of the quality Assurance system according
To the ISO9002 standard give by an authorized inspection agency
4. Properties
Nominal use concentrate: 3%
Specific gravity at 20Celsius degree: > 1.16
P. H at Celsius degree range: 6.0 ~ 7.5Celsius degree
Viscosity at 20 Celsius degree 10-3 Pa. S: Less 50
Yield point: <-10 Celsius degree
Sediment %: < 0.2
Corrosion rate( mg/d. Dm2): <25
Foam expansion rate ( at 20 Celsius degree ): >6.5
25% Liquid divide time ( at 20 Celsius Degree, min): >6.0
90% fire control time ( S): <60
Extinguishing time (s) < 90
Fire resistant time ( min): > 12
Free point: -4 Celsius degree
Storage temperature: -5° C - +40° C
5. Compatibility
Compatibility is a ability of one foam concentrate to be mixed with another concentrate of the same type and proportioning ratio without altering the chemical, physical or performance characteristics of the mixed foam applied on a fire simultaneously
6. Environmental impact and toxicity
Foam concentrates are specifically formulated to provide max fires fighting capabilities while at the same time providing minimal environmental impact and human exposure hazard, the products must be formulated to have very low risk toxicity for aquatic organisms, which can be treated in a biological waster-water treatment
7. Packing: The AFFF foam will be supplied in 200 or 1000liter drums made of plastic or metal container