Tinsel Cord Bending Test Apparatus
Model: ZLT-JDW2R
To determine the bendability of the tinsel cord, in accordance with IEC 60227-2 clause 3.2, figure 2 and IEC 60227-1 clause 5. 6. 3.2.
A sample of cord of appropriate length shall be fixed in the apparatus, and loaded with a weight having a mass of 0, 5 kg. A current of about 0, 1 A shall be passed through the conductors.
The sample shall be bent backwards and forwards in direction perpendicular to the plane of the axes of the conductors, the two extreme positions making an angle of 900 on both sides of the vertical.
A flexing is a movement through 1800. The rate of flexing is 60 per minute.
Standard Outfit:
1 electric drive motor with reduction and swiveling gear,
1 output shaft, swiveling angle 180° On either side of the vertical,
1 weight, 0.5 kg,
1 speed adjustment, for swiveling frequency 10~60 rpm,
1 control unit with 6 digit predetermining counter to switch off the drive, and records the number of swiveling when the sample open circuit,
1 output current, approximately 0.1 A,
Power Supply: A. C. 220V 50Hz, other voltages and frequencies on request.