Product Description
Equivalent to John Crane Type 48LP/48MP/48HP
SS-Type 48 series Seals evolved from the successful, proven
John Crane Type 8B1 design, the preferred choice for
Safe, reliable, unpressurized tandem and pressurized
Dual seal arrangements in petroleum services for more
Than four decades. The SS-Type 48 series is a dependable,
Engineered mechanical seal developed specifically for
Single seal installations to attain M. A. C. T. (Maximum
Achievable Controllable Technology) compliance in
Light hydro-carbons and other VOCs (volatile organic
Compounds). SS-Type 48 series Single Seals control emissions
To less than 500 ppm. Available in cartridge or optional
Shaft-mounted seal arrangement.
Operating Limits
Temperature: -40° C to 260° C/-40° F to 500° F
Pressure: 69 bar g/1000 psig
Speed: Up to 25 m/s/5000 FPM