Hand Reel
1. Hand Reel is in a full of sizes.
2. Material: Metal
Hand Reel
*Of all the ways there are to catch fish, using a hand reel has got to be one of the easiest and cheapest methods out there.
*These reels generally measure 6 to 8 inches in diameter, and they contain a good amount of monofilament line along with a steel leader, a weight and a hook.
*To go fishing, it's simply a matter of putting some bait on the hook and dropping the line overboard.
*If you want to cast your line out a good ways, it takes a little more effort and practice. What you need to do is to swing about 4 feet of the weighted end over your head (kind of like using an old fashion sling shot), and then release it just at the right moment.
*Don't forget to point the low side/small side of the reel in the direction you release the line so that the line will feed out evenly.