Pure Natural Herbal Essence Fruta Bio Slimming Pills
Slim, Beautiful & Healthy
Terbuat dari bahan alami , aman dan tanpa efek samping
Mengurangi lemak pada , perut paha dan lengan
Fomula yang dirancang khusus untuk
Menguranqi dan menbakar lemak ;
Sangat berfunsi untuk menghilangkan racun
Dalam tubuh dan mempercantik kulit;
Mudah diskonsumsi hanya lkapsul sehari
Natural plant, safe, no side effects and rebound
Reduce weight of abdomen, thighs and arms
Special formula for decreasing and burning fat
Strong function in eliminating toxin, beautying skin;
Easy to take ,only one tablet daily
Main Ingredients:
Furit lemon, turif gum, bitter gourd, papaya, benefit fruit, spiral.
Edible method:
Everyday once ,everytime 1 in breakfast.
Front or send with boilde water behind
Approve Number:Healthy Food Authority No.17
Target Group
Slimply obese people;better for stubbomly abese people and those who have failed to lose weight many tiames and easy to rebound. Anyone who want to keep his fit. Those who have trouble with constipation, acne and stain.
Special Reminders:
Unsuitable for children , pregnant women and people with heart diseases, high blood perssure, diabetes or nephropathies.
Product Characteristics:
1.partial weight loss, the elimination of major abdominal waist, hips, legs, arm fat.
2.Solve the obesity problem in two-
3.Way, completely eliminate rebound,eliminate the harmful substances,beauty skins.
4.Easy to take, only one tablet
Storage:store in a cool ,dry and dark place
Ingredients: Limones, pectinas,papayas nonis, yespirulinas.
1.los que tinen obeaidad tras parto, los que han tracasado muches veces en adelgazamlentory vuelven ao besionarse o los que quieren mantenerse onbeltan
2.Los que padecen la constipuoion.
1.Adelgazamlento parcial: ollmanade prlnolpa imente lasgraasaa exceslvas del abdomen, del trauero y de los brazos.
2.Elininarle de manera paralolu has melestion de la abesidady descartade absolurtamente in posiblidad de volver a obesionarse
3.Elininarle las abstrucciones intedoresy subtamclas toxicas corporales para embellecorle la plel
4.Esta, altamente condensada basta con una sola plidora.
Main Ingredients | Furit lemon, turif gum, bitter gourd, papaya, benefit fruit, spira |
Specification | 400mg/grain*30grain |
Edible method | Everyday once ,everytime 1 in breakfast. Front or send with boilde water behind |
Approve Number | Healthy Food Authority No.17 |