Apple Cider Vinegar
Plant Origin: Apple
Part Used: Fruit
Specification: Acetic acid 5%. 10% By Titration
Molecular Formula: CH3COOH
Molecular Weight: 60.05
Boiling Point: 244ºF
Apple cider vinegar is an old folk remedy claimed to be beneficial in treating a long list of ailments. Proponents say that it can cure arthritis, guard against osteoporosis, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent cancer, destroy infection, assist in digestion and weight control, maintain memory, and protect the mind from aging. Apple cider vinegar contains the following: acetic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, enzymes, amino acids, roughage -potash and apple pectin.It also contains minerals and trace elements such as potassium, calcium,
magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon, fluorine. Its vitamin contents includes Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Provitamin beta-carotene, Vitamin P (bioflavonoids).
Brief Information
Apple cider vinegar is fermented juice from crushed apples. Like apple juice, it probably contains some pectin; vitamins B1, B2, and B6; biotin; folic acid; niacin; pantothenic acid; and vitamin C. It also contains small amounts of the minerals sodium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Apple cider vinegar can also contain significant quantities of acetic acid and citric acid. It is used to make medicine.
Apple cider vinegar is used alone or with honey for weak bones (osteoporosis),weight loss, leg cramps and pain, upset stomach, sore throats, sinus problems,high blood pressure, arthritis, to help rid the body of toxins, stimulate thinking, slow the aging process, regulate blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and fight infection.
Some people apply apple cider vinegar to the skin for acne, as a skin toner, to soothesunburn, for shingles, insect bites, and to prevent dandruff. It is also used in the bath for vaginal infections.
In foods, apple cider vinegar is used as a flavoring agent. It can be hard to know what's in some apple cider vinegar products. Laboratory analysis of commercially available apple cider vinegar tablets shows wide variation in what they contain. Amounts of acetic acid ranged from about 1% to 10.57%. Amounts of citric acid ranged from 0% to about 18.5%. Amounts of ingredients listed on the product labels didn't match the laboratory findings. In the US, there is no real definition in the law of what apple cider vinegar must contain to be called apple cider vinegar. So, it is impossible to tell from these analyses whether these commercial products actually contain any apple cider vinegar.
How does it work?
Apple cider vinegar is the fermented juice of crushed apples. It contains acetic acid and nutrients such as B vitamins and vitamin C. Apple cider vinegar might help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes by changing how foods get absorbed from the gut. Apple cider vinegar might prevent the breakdown of some foods.
· Diabetes. Some preliminary research suggests that consuming vinegar or apple cider vinegar might reduce blood sugar levels after a meal.
· Slow digestion (gastroparesis).
· Weight loss.
· Leg cramps and pain.
· Unsettled stomach.
· Sore throats.
· Sinus problems.
· High blood pressure.
· Arthritis.
· Infection.
· Weak bones (osteoporosis).
· Lowering cholesterol.
· Improving circulation.
· Acne.
· Sunburn.
· Shingles.
· Bites.
· Dandruff.
· Vaginal infections (vaginitis).
· Other conditions.
Side Effect
Consuming apple cider vinegar in food amounts is LIKELY SAFE. Apple cider vinegar is POSSIBLY SAFE for most adults when used short-term for medical purposes.
In some cases, consuming a lot of apple cider vinegar might not be safe. Consuming 8 ounces of apple cider vinegar per day, long-term might lead to problems such as low potassium. There has been one report of a person who developed low potassium levels and weak bones (osteoporosis) after taking 250 mL apple cider vinegar daily for 6 years. In another report, a woman who had an apple cider vinegar tablet lodged in her throat for 30 minutes developed tenderness and pain in her voice box and difficulty swallowing for 6 months following the incident. This was thought to be due to the acid content of the tablet.
Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the safety of using apple cider vinegar as medicine during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side, and don't use it.
Diabetes: Apple cider vinegar might lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Therefore, blood sugar levels need to be monitored closely. Dose adjustments may be necessary for diabetes medications that are taken.
· Digoxin interacts with APPLE CIDER VINEGAR
Large amounts of apple cider vinegar can decrease potassium levels in the body.
· Water pills (Diuretic drugs) interacts with APPLE CIDER VINEGAR
Large amounts of apple cider vinegar can decrease potassium levels in the body. "Water pills" can also decrease potassium in the body. Taking apple cider vinegar along with "water pills" might decrease potassium in the body too much.
Some "water pills" that can deplete potassium include (HCTZ, HydroDiuril, Microzide), and others.
The appropriate dose of apple cider vinegar depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for apple cider vinegar. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.