Hengming pocket plate type ni-cd storage battery is designed to meet different discharge requirements. They are classified into three types KPH type (High discharge rate cells), KPM (Medium discharge rate cells) and KPL type (Low discharge rate cell). These batteries conform to IEC 60623, CE standard and other International standards.
KPL ,KPM,KPH,KPX batteries are designed for a wide variety of stationary indstria applications
such as power back-up,engine starting an bulk energy sorage.
The L type is designed for applications where the battery is required to provide a reliable source
of energe over relatively long discharge periods.Nomally, the current is relatively low in comparison
with the total stored energy, and the discharges are generally infrequent. Typical uses are power back-up and bulk energy storage.
The M type is designed for applications where the batteries are usually required to sustain electrical
loads for between 30 minutes to 3 hours or for "mixed" loads which involve a mxiture of high and
low discharge rates. The applications can have frequent or infrequent discharges. The range is
typically used in power back-up applicaitons.
KPL ,KPM,KPH,KPX batteries are designed for a wide variety of stationary indstria applications
such as power back-up,engine starting an bulk energy sorage.
Contact information as below :
1.2v KPL50Ah/GN 50 Rechargeable Nickel Cadmium battery selling from Hengming Power SourceWelcome you send inquiry for us !
We are waiting for you Have a best day !